This has become a major discussion question lately among parents. They don't know whether they should allow their children to become a part of the Facebook phenomenon or not. In my opinion thirteen year olds are too young for Facebook. I understand some people disagree but just listen to what I have to say. First of all Facebook states that in order to create an account the user must be at least thirteen years old. I know for a fact that there are children younger than thirteen who have a Facebook. How do they have one you might ask? Simple, they lie. Already at a very early age children are lying about their age just to be part of Facebook. This is insane! Also, if it is that easy for children to lie about their age what do you think is stopping other people, older people, from lying about their age or other things? Nothing is. Children do not know all the dangers that are on social networks. They believe everyone is telling the truth and just wants to be their friend. In their minds there are no internet predators, cyber bullies, exposed language, or people impersonating other people. They have no sense of the dangers they might be getting themselves into just by accepting a friend request.
So my advice to those parents who allow their children to get a Facebook at a young age are these:
Ø Make sure you have all your child’s information (password, username, etc.) so that you are able to keep track of what your child is doing.
Ø Make sure no private information is posted anywhere (phone number, address, etc.).
Ø It might be a smart idea to create an email designated for Facebook only.
Ø ONLY add people you know!! Even if you know them be careful, there are impersonators out there.
Ø Lastly, supervise absolutely everything your child does or writes.
Great advice!!!