I liked keeping a blog this semester because I have never had a blog before. I think it is a great tool to teach teachers and future teachers especially in this technology savvy world. It is a way to stay connected with your students and their parents outside of the classroom. This is definitely a great way for teachers to be more effective with their students. Most likely students have computers at home and are on them a lot. So by communicating to them through a computer you may be able to show them ways computers can help them educationally. I’m not sure if I will continue posting to my blog. I may try to start a new blog in the future focused on my classroom. Throughout my blogging this semester I have learned more about networking. Blogging has helped me learn new ways to communicate to people via computer and internet. There is no limit to the ways people can communicate and blogging is just one of the many. There are also education sites that are designed for teachers and students to communicate. Also, I cannot forget about skyping people, the new way to talk on the computer but still be face to face.
I'm glad you will consider blogging as a future educator!